If you were to teach the same course in the same environment next semester, how much additional prep time would you need for course development (due to the technology, not due to typical course revision)? The machine is so smooth and cuts straight without much effort. Higher education has responded by implementing distance education (DE), more recently referred to as e-learning or online learning. After the second semester (the subsequent fall semester), seventeen of twenty-six faculty responded to the survey, yielding a 65% response rate. The prevalence of online distance education courses requires university faculty to face new challenges and make new decisions in the areas of course management and design, delivery method, student communication media, creation of an engaging learning environment, assessment , and use of new technologies. These include: the administration or management of online courses; the course layout and design; the best delivery method for the content, such as text, graphics, audio, or video; the various communication methods that the students will use such as email, discussion boards, and chats; ways to increase and maintain student involvement; appropriate student assessments for online learning; and, a working knowledge of all the technologies being implemented in the online course.