Performing paracentesis with radiological imaging guidance helps ensure accurate placement of the extraction needle, so that fluid can be removed without endangering vital organs and blood vessels. The liver has two blood supplies to it, namely the hepatic artery and the portal vein. Through a pin-size hole in the wrist or groin, an interventional radiologist specially trained in the procedure, such as Sahil Mehta, MD, inserts a small, temporary catheter into the artery supplying the prostate and injects tiny round particles into the vessels to reduce blood flow. Using real-time image guidance, the physician guides the catheter into the uterine artery and then releases tiny particles, about the size of grains of sand, into the arteries that supply blood to the fibroid tumor. To perform the embolization, the interventional radiologist makes a tiny incision in the skin of the groin and inserts a catheter into the femoral artery. During the angiogram, the doctor inserts a thin tube (catheter) into the artery through a small nick in the skin about the size of the tip of a pencil. 46 Lyden S P, Srivastava S D, Waldman D L, Green R M. Common iliac artery dissection after blunt trauma: case report of endovascular repair and literature review.