HIPAA regulations apply when patient-specific data are added to or accessed by the PDA device. Are they qualified to teach that class? Farhad, ed. 2000) the author maintains that faculty who teach through distance learning are spending more time preparing the course and teaching it than their face-to-face counterparts, but receive the same pay and benefits. Although Major and Levenburg (1997) state that it takes more time for faculty to teach in a video-conferencing-based environment, DiBiase (2000) compared the time spent teaching two comparable, mature courses, one online and one face-to-face and found that the distance course required more frequent attention, but the total teaching and maintenance time per student was less than in the face-to-face course. Schifter (2000) reports that when administrators were surveyed regarding the motivating factors of faculty to participate in distance education, three of the top five include monetary support, credit toward promotion and tenure, and release time. Over the course of three consecutive semesters, faculty members involved in both video-conference-based and online-based distance learning environments were surveyed in order to determine their perception regarding the technical support services, equipment, training and additional preparation time it takes to teach in a distance environment. But when faculty are surveyed over time, do they report the same additional responsibilities associated with distance learning when they are repeated teaching the same preparation?